Sunday, April 23, 2006

Iran and Oil

It isn't a secret.
Russian and China have both some big interest in Iran's oil.
They don't want that America , Nato or Onu may be an obstacle to
their interest.
It's all about economical interest now.
China must achieve his economical growth and without an oil reserve they cannot.
Russia has some contracts to supply nuclear technology and who know what else.
Bush wants to block Iran's nuclear reactor this is clear, but with a low consensus at
home, and many americans that don't want another war so soon maybe he'll be forced
to retreat his opinions.
About me there are two possibilities ahead:
1) Bush will persuade Putin and China to invade Iran and block their experiments.
But to do so he must ensure china and russia that they will have an advantage to do so.
How ? i don't know but to block Iran he must.

2) Maybe Iran could go ahead with his experiments, but when they will have their nuclear
reactors activated... they will pursue with military reasearch to achieve a nuclear bomb ? For many people the answer is yes.
Then the world with a government that is not a democracy with a nuclear bomb will be a safer world ?

I don't know what is the answer but i will think about the question over weekend


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