Tuesday, November 18, 2008

850 Area

I think we are on the verge of the critical test at the lows.

If the lows will keep market over 820 or at least over 800 area we could see a big rally towards end of the year... if not before we could make a trip maybe at 690 in ES.

Good Luck

i will accumulate more share in ATVI , CHK , ATI , EWJ , STRONG BUY

Am considering a long in UYG (financials deserve a big year end rally... executives are buying big and UYG will return over 15 USD at year end so STRONG BUY)

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

ATVI Earnings

Very good earnings call... considering that Blizzard has yet to push out the titles of holiday season i consider that at this prices this stock is really really undervalued.
STRONG BUY confirmed, bought more and i will not sell until 30 USD.

Market action today was corrective... sell the news enviroment with the election rally.

I think now we will be in a lateral consolidation that could test 900 level potentially... and the trading range after the test could be very large.