Friday, October 31, 2008

ATVI Activision Blizzard

Too big games in the pipeline for next year and World of Warcraft expansion will exit soon.
Good opportunity.

Entering at 12 level today with timeframe 1 year.

STRONG BUY target at 25 USD

Just entered with a tranche at 11.75, i plan to enter with other 2 tranches, if the market makes a move lower i will gladly accept the gift and enter at 11.50 and 11 level if not... i will enter more here and more over 12 level.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Key word,Consolidation

As the title suggest, today is the day of consolidation... very healthy and requested for sure because before going higher big, we need some more longs on the bandwagon... and more shorts that later will have to cover.

As long as we remain over 890/900 area will be consolidation... and if market go down along these supports, we will have the opportunity to evalue its strenght.

Good Move

Very good move, and the late slide is only a volatility snapback... so no problem with that.
I am expecting today and tomorrow a strong market with some consolidation, and the market will prepare itself for the next week in which could rise even further.
I suspect then it will be lateral for a while before make a big move, but i think that ES will be over 1000 very soon.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

FED Hour

What we will see ?

If 0.5 cut i expect some consolidation and possibly a return at the 900 area... but i am positive about the outcome. Maybe some sell the news reaction will be the initial theme.

If 0.75 cut... rally all the way over 1000.

In any case long it is the way to be at least for 2 weeks from now... any significant retreat will be bought to catch the bargain.

Good Luck

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

900 resistance ERASED

Good call, 900 resistance was just erased... so we are gaining very big on our position.
I expect some follow through until Friday.

Eve Online

Wanted only making a tribute to Eve Online
About me the best videogame ever created, actually it is really reductive to define it "game".. to me is more a pseudoscientific simulation of epic proportion, it is the only game that has a virtual economy almost totally in the player's hands.

I advice to try it

Here comes a video about it:

Rebound ?

I think that today , after 2 days of big consolidation it seems we are finally arrived at the final capitulation. After steep and precipitous losses in the final 15 minutes of trading yesterday... now the weak hands are off, and we can go up and prepare for the probably year end Bear Market Rally... which could be enormous and take the ES at 1200/1250 area... with a peak at 1300 but from there SHORT because we could return here really really fast.

Monday, October 27, 2008

We are arrived

This is the line of sand

We will watch the lows taken out or the market recovery from here ?

I think we will go really higher but... it is a tough call

Support ES 840
Resistance ES 900

Breakdown or Breakout ?

I choose the second one ! we'll see !

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The market didn't panicked

Monday markets can crash ?

I think that this possibility is very low, and around 10% level.

I am sure of one thing, if we'll see market crash tomorrow... the week will be very bad and who knows where at the end the SPY and DOW will be.

I Expect a rebound in the incoming sessions... we should close the week with a net gain of a 10/15% to calm panick and sense of deep frustration along investors.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Last Hour = Hedge Fund Hour

We have this anomaly at the moment, from early october sharp losses at last hour of trading were reconducted to hedge funds forced deleveraging, today we have the rumor about legendary hedge fund Citadel, but somehow i think we wil close higher....
it's a tought call but i think we will close in green !

SPY level at the time of posting 86.50

I think it can go over 90 at the close maybe

Market is resilient

Is This definitely the capitulation ?

The only way we can know is recoup the 90 area in the SPY and break it !

(880 area is first big resistance on ES if we break it next is at 900)

Black Friday ?

ES futures are blocked for now... at 855.25

At the offer there is a very large number of orders just accumulating (over 5000)

I am taking a wide range accumulation approach for now.

For every 10% indexes go down, i will augment my market longs by 50%

My position are ATI AA CHK PFE INTC

Good luck

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Just returned

After a long vacation i will continue to update my blog from today

Great Opportunities in these days in the market

What we are seeing is the wildest market of all time, Last week i have bought some stocks and i am positioned on


At these prices i think that they will outperform market on the next months

We'll see